Knoxville and Nashville Roofing Services

How to Choose a Roof Color for Your Home

How to Choose a Roof Color for Your Home

October 25, 2021 by GLSA Mobley

Whether you’re looking at shingles or metal roofing, you’ll need to decide on a roof color. As a residential roof replacement company, we have a few pieces of advice to help you narrow down your choices and find the color you love.

Pick a Material, Brand and Style Before a Color

How to Choose a Roof Color for Your Home

Although the roof color does matter, you don’t want to choose a color that you want only to find out it’s not available from the manufacturer or in the line of shingles or metal you want. Once you know whether you’re going with metal or asphalt and have a reputable brand selected that your residential roof replacement company installs, then choose the style and color.

Looking for Energy Savings? Go Lighter

Some manufacturers offer cool roofing products. Some of these products are even ENERGY STAR® certified. However, they’re available in just a few colors. This is because of the solar reflectivity. If one of your goals for your new roof is lower utility bills, one way to do that is with a Cool Roofing product. Some ENERGY STAR products come at a higher price. If you don’t want to pay for that line of shingles, consider a tan or light grey rather than a brown or black roof.

Your Home’s Current Element Colors

Your roof and siding are the two biggest elements of your home’s exterior. If you are not changing your siding, look at what color or colors it has. Then look at your doors (including the garage) as well as your windows and trim. If you see a mostly neutral color pallet, consider something with a bit of color for your roof. Color blend shingles are a good option. Or if you’re looking a metal, go for something a bit brighter. If your home has a lot of color, you should stick to a neutral roof no matter what material you decide to go with.

Let Mobley Brothers Roofing & Renovation Help

We’re a local roofing company with offices in both Knoxville and Lebanon that are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. We can help you pick a roof color and professionally install it. If you want a whole home exterior remodel, we also offer new siding and gutter installation. Call us today for your free consultation and quote at either (865) 248-2772 or (615) 645-4500 or fill out our contact form.

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