Knoxville and Nashville Roofing Services

Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN

Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN

October 18, 2021 by GLSA Mobley

As one of the leading companies offering roofing in Lenoir City, TN, we want to help you understand your roofing system and how to make sure it’s ready for winter. Although it may seem crazy to talk about winter when the leaves have just started to change and we’re still wearing shorts, now is the time to take a look at your roof.

Why Now

Advice About Roofing in Lenoir City, TN

You may think that you have a few months before the weather gets cold and we start hearing about sleet, freezing rain and perhaps even snow. And, although that is true, once we get to that point in the year, it’s likely too late to give your roof the attention it needs. You’ll find that if you call a Lenoir City roofer after a snow or when there is ice, they will let you know that you’ll have to wait until the ice thaws or snow melts. That usually means more water in your home if you already have a roof leak.

What to Check

We know there are many new developments throughout east Tennessee. Unfortunately, just because your home is new or nearly new, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay attention to your roofing in Lenoir City, TN. Here are our suggestions on what to check on any home’s roofing system, old or new.

  1. Attic Insulation – Your attic insulation will help regulate the temperature in your attic throughout the year. It is also an essential element in preventing ice dams in a harsh ice storm. Unfortunately, one way builders save money is to skimp on the attic insulation. They know few homeowners check it or even know what to look for. Here is a link to the Insulation Institute™ website that can help you know what to look for.
  2. Gutters – Clogged gutters also contribute to ice damming. More commonly in our area they lead to wet basements and crawl spaces. Don’t neglect the task of cleaning your gutters every year at least once.
  3. Shingles – We recommend that you look at your shingles at least a few times a year and after every major storm to check that they’re all still on your roof and lying flat. If not, you need a Lenoir City roofer.

Call Mobley Brothers Roofing & Renovation

If you’re looking for an experienced, licensed and insured company to handle your residential or commercial roofing in Lenoir City, TN, call Mobley Brothers Roofing & Renovation at (865) 248-2772. We’re A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and based just up the road in Knoxville.

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