Knoxville and Nashville Roofing Services

Maintaining Your Rental Property Roof is Important

February 21, 2022 by GLSA Mobley

Do you have a Nashville or Knoxville roofer you trust to provide regular roofing inspections, maintenance and repair for your rental properties? You should know what local roofing company to call just like you know which HVAC or other service company. Few tenants have much interest in the upkeep of the home unless it affects them. That means unless there’s a roof leak, they’re probably not paying attention to the roof. Here are some of the benefits of working with one Knoxville or Nashville roofer on your rental properties.

Lower Overall Repair Costs

Maintaining Your Rental Property Roof is Important

When you have a local roofing company who provides regular roofing inspections, once or twice a year, to your rental properties, they can spot an issue before it becomes a major problem. It’s a lot less expensive to replace a few damaged shingles and perhaps some wet insulation than to deal with significant water damage in the home. And with all the ice and rain we’ve had in Tennessee recently, we’re seeing a lot of roof damage and leaks.

Evaluate Damage

If your tenants call you to report an issue with the roof and claim they have no idea what happened or how it happened, your Nashville roofer can figure it out. They’ll likely be able to tell if the tenant attached a satellite dish or holiday decoration which caused the damage. They will know if it’s an insurance claim due to a storm. Roofing inspections can pay for themselves by getting your claim covered if it is storm damage.

Better Planning

Historically tenants are harder on properties than homeowners. As a landlord, you know you’ll probably have to replace the carpet more regularly in your rental than you would at home. However, this doesn’t apply to roofing. Because of that, you might want to be able to plan for a roof replacement as it’s a significant investment. A local roofing company, who knows the typical weather and longevity of a roof, can provide an estimate on remaining life of your property’s roof. They can likely also give you a general idea of what a new roof would cost if you’re nearing the end of life of your current roof.

Turn to Mobley Brothers – Your Trusted Knoxville & Nashville Roofer

Mobley Brothers offers roofing inspections, maintenance and repair to single and multi-tenant housing as well as commercial buildings. We can help keep your properties’ roofs in good condition and lower your overall repair costs with scheduled inspections and on call services. If you don’t have a local roofing company you trust for your home or rental properties in east or middle Tennessee, call us today at either (865) 248-2772 or (615) 645-4500 fill out our contact form. We’re A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau.

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